
2016 Nomination for Board Positions
Sun 25 Sep 2016 22:30 — 23:59
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Dear Members

RE: Nominations for Directors of Rowing Victoria

Rowing Victoria (RV) will be conducting the 140th AGM at 10am on Sunday the 9 October 2016 at Richmond Rowing Club.

The RV Board is seeking nominations for suitable candidates with diverse skills that compliment the board in the delivery of the Strategic Plan.

The Board plays an important role in setting the vision, purpose and strategies of the organisation; and adapting these as circumstances change.

The way in which the Board is structured and operates has a direct a direct impact on the ability of RV to achieve its objectives.

As part of their overall leadership responsibility, the Board plays a strategic role in ensuring that the organisation has the required capacity and capabilities to deliver on its purpose.

The Board is seeking skills to support its operation including strategic leadership, demonstrated stakeholder engagement including the members of RV, government agencies, potential sponsors and funding supporters and individual members of the rowing community. Specific skills in finance, risk management, business management, marketing and communications and project management are highly desirable. A strong understanding of governance, including the independence required of directors and the separation from the operations, is vital. It should also be noted that RV is part of the broader Australian rowing community and is actively contributing to the whole-of-sport strategy, including implementation of a whole-of-sport database and delivery of the Australian Sports Commission's Play. Sport. Australia. plan.

It should be noted that a diverse Board is vital to representation of the breadth of the sport of rowing. Board diversity includes gender, indigenous, schools, regional, club, elite, masters, youth and all other groups within the rowing community. We strongly encourage nominees who bring diversity to the Board and encourage all voting delegates to consider this in electing the Board for 2016 and beyond.

There are 2 elected positions which will be open to nominees;

  • Joseph Joyce - Director  (incumbent)
  • Tom Wood - Director  (not standing for re-election)

The Board may appoint two members and Josie Millard currently holds one of those positions as a Board-appointed Director. Josie will stand for election at this AGM.

The role as a Director on the Board of Rowing Victoria is demanding and requires a considerable amount of time each month, in addition to other specific skills-based contribution. 

The Association recognises the huge amount of work that Tom has contributed to Rowing Victoria as a volunteer and thanks him for his innovation, passion, integrity and professionalism.


Nick Gall by order of the Board

Chief Executive Officer

Rowing Victoria.