
National 5km Ergo Test
Fri 27 Nov 2015 07:30 — 11:30

Event information

This event has passed.

Under National Selection Policy, all SnrA nominating athletes are to complete a 5km ergo test on the 30th of November, however it has been identified with RA that a clash exists for athletes wishing to compete in the Head of the Yarra regatta two days before this. As such RA has granted permission for ALL Victorian Nominated SnrA athlete to complete their 5km Ergo on Friday 27th November

To ensure standard testing conditions all metropolitan SnrA athletes are required complete this test at the VIS. Any non- metropolitan athletes may also choose to complete the test at VIS, or otherwise confirm with Bill Tait their intention to complete this in their home training venue.

Invite List and Bookings

There is a list of athletes who have nominated for the Snr A Team, and required to complete the 5km Ergo Test. Additional athletes may seek to complete their 5km Test at the VIS, however priority will be given to the athletes listed. Bookings will be made online in the coming week.


  • ï‚·  The VIS will be open from 7am, with first group to start at 7:30am

  • ï‚·  All athlete MUST weigh in.

  • ï‚·  Coaches will be permitted into the testing area, however all must be respectful of the space and needs of each athlete

  • ï‚·  No athletes will be allowed in the testing area unless it is your testing time

  • ï‚·  All testing will follow the RA protocols for ergo testing