
Good Coxswain Course - Shepparton Rowing Club
Thu 14 Jul 2016 17:30 — 19:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

All coxswains must be Level 1 accredited before coxing a rowing boat in Victoria.

The Introduction to Coxing Course (Level 1) draws substantially upon Chapters 1 - 6 (see website for downloading) of the Good Coxswain Booklets.
It outlines: the coxswain's role, a criteria for assessing coxing competence, basic safety considerations and responsibilities. 

To gain accreditation all coxswains must:

  1. attend a course (i.e. this one)
  2. complete the online assessment and
  3. ensure the $30 accreditation fee is paid (your club/school will be invoiced for this)

For more information visit the Coxswain section of our website