
Expressions of Interest for Commission Members
Mon 05 Sep 2016 00:00 — 20:00
Level 1, 31 Aughtie Drive, Albert Park, 3206

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

We now seek Expressions of Interest from members of the Victorian Rowing Community who would like to be involved in any of these Commissions.  We are looking for a good cross-section of expertise and experience and I am happy to discuss and respond to any questions that you might have if you are considering getting involved.



Specific Duties of the Commissions


 2. Competition Commission Charter 


2.1. General Area of Responsibility


To advise the CEO and the Events Manager on the RV competition program with the intent of maximizing participation in a safe and inviting environment. 


2.2. Objectives and Activities 


2.2.1 To assist the Events Manager in the allocation of regatta dates, regatta formats and venues amongst applications received and to implement those decisions. 


2.2.2 Assist in the determination for the schedule of events, boat types and their pre-set order at each regatta, in consultation with each regatta committee. 


2.2.3 Monitor the conduct of regattas in accordance with established guidelines and standards, and make recommendations to the CEO in respect of such matters. 


2.2.5 To advise and assist Organising Committees to improve the standard of facilities and regatta courses for all Victorian events. 


2.3. Appointment 

The Competition Commission shall consist, the, Regatta and Events Manager and such other members as are able to contribute effectively to the planning and review of the domestic competitions.


3. Umpires Panel Charter 


3.1 General Areas of Responsibility 


3.1.1 To act as a technical advisory group to Umpires in Victoria 


3.1.2 To standardise umpiring and to maintain and improve the quality of umpiring in Victoria


3.1.3 To monitor the qualifications and quality of Victorian umpires.

3.1.4 To engage with the Rowing Australia Umpires Commission and kept abreast of current issues 


3.2. Objectives and Activities 



3.2.1 To provide feedback to the CEO on the work of the juries at Victorian regattas. 


3.2.3 To conduct umpires’ seminars using the most modern educational techniques and methods. 


3.2.4 To conduct examinations for Victorian umpires licences. 

3.2.5 To recommend ratification of new level 2 umpires to the Board via theCEO.


3.3. Appointment 


The Commission shall consist of the RV Member Services and Education officer, a Chairperson, a Secretary and a minimum of two other members.



 5. Development Commission Charter 


5.1 General Areas of Responsibility 


To provide to the to the CEO advice on all aspects of rowing development. 


5.2 Objectives and Activities 


Provide advice to the RV Office on the creation of, and assist in the implementation of, the Sport Development. In particular, the following areas will be considered: 


5.2.1 Elite Pathway Program - advise on the underage programs.


5.2.2 Participation - Advise on such programs as grass roots, inclusive participation and competition pathways. 


5.2.3 Education - Provide guidance on coaching and coxswain education. 


5.2.4 Club Development - To act as an advisory in the development of resources for clubs with governance, administration and best practice initiatives (i.e. grade, masters, indoor rowing, inclusive participation etc.). 


5.3 Appointment 


5.3.1 The development commission will comprise of representatives from each development tier (school, club, high performance), , the State Club Development Co-ordinator and Member Services and Education Officer



 6. Masters Commission Charter 


6.1 General Area of Responsibility 


To advise the RV Office on aspects of Masters rowing so as to ensure that the regatta requirements of master’s rowers are met. 


6.2 The Masters Commission shall assist the RV office in recommending to the Board: 


6.2.1 The Masters Calendar and event allocation (within scope of full calendar developed by the RV Competition Commission). 


6.2.2 The Event lists for masters regattas including Masters State Championships. 


6.2.3 The Preset order of masters events.


6.2.4 Any Special masters events.


6.2.4 Changes to masters rules including such matters as handicapping.


6.2.5 Nominations of representatives to the Rowing Australia (“RA”) Masters Commission or other relevant bodies.


6.2.6 Liaising and co-operating with the RA Masters Commission.


 4. Medical Commissioner Charter


4.1 General Area of Responsibility 


The role of the Medical Commissioner is to advise RV on relevant medical issues and establish appropriate medical facilities at regattas. 


4.2 Objectives and Activities 


4.2.1 Provide medical expertise and advice to the RV Board 


4.2.2 Assist in the development of RV policies such as extreme heat or cold policies /on water safety 

4.2.3 Organise qualified medical personnel for major events (to work with the RV nominated rescue/first aid provider)


4.3 Appointment 



4.3.1 Commissioner to be convened by invitation to interested professionals 



4.3.2 Commissioner to report through the CEO to the RV Board