
General Meeting 3 - RV Membership Rewards Program
Sun 28 Jun 2015 10:00 — 12:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


5 May 2015



Notice of General Meeting


Notice is given of the last quarterly general meeting for the 2014-15 year to be held at 10am Sunday 28 June 2015 at Powerhouse Rowing Club.


In accordance with the constitution, the ordinary business of a general meeting shall be

(a)    to confirm the minutes of the previous regularly scheduled general meeting and the minutes of any special general meeting held since that meeting;

(b)    to receive from the Board reports on the activities of RV since the previous general meeting;

(c)    to receive and note reports on the financial affairs of RV since the previous meeting;

(d)    to consider any other matters required by these provisions or the rules of RV to be dealt with by a general meeting;

(e)    to discuss and provide advice to the Board on any matters affecting the promotion, management and control of rowing.


The Board are proposing changes to the junior and school affiliation fees and rescue levy changes attached as a separate document


Members are reminded that any motions to be put to the meeting need to be provided to the CEO within 28 days of the meeting.


By Order of the Board,

Nick Gall                                                          

Chief Executive Officer      

If you have an opportunity to update all your club information below it would be greatly appreciated.                              

Rowing Victoria Inc.