2nd RV General Meeting 2017-18

Published Wed 30 May 2018

In accordance with the constitution, the ordinary business of a general meeting shall be

  1. to confirm the minutes of the previous regularly scheduled general meeting and the minutes of any special general meeting held since that meeting;
  2. to receive from the Board reports on the activities of RV since the previous general meeting;
  3. to receive and note reports on the financial affairs of RV since the previous meeting;
  4. to consider any other matters required by these provisions or the rules of RV to be dealt with by a general meeting;
  5. to discuss and provide advice to the Board on any matters affecting the promotion, management and control of rowing.


The Board proposes changes to club & school affiliation fees, school & recreational individual affiliations and rescue levy changes attached as a separate document


Members are reminded that any motions to be put to the meeting need to be provided to the CEO within 28 days of the meeting.