Notice to River Users 7th February 2018
Published Thu 15 Feb 2018
See the below attached updated works notifications in addition to various Events / Road Closures. In particular for the CYP site investigations along the Main Yarra Trail, which commenced on Wednesday 17 January. Site crews will maintain rowing club access during these works, and will only occupy a small part of the work area shown on the map at any given time.
VicRoads recently requested that Swan St Bridge be closed to all waterway access from the 10 January 2018 to the end of March 2018.
Rowing Victoria felt that this was completely unacceptable for the rowing community and have negotiated the best possible solution we can get for rowing.
This will no longer be occurring for the above proposed dates although it may occur for a period of time in February so stay tuned.
Although any closure is not ideal, we have avoided a major disaster, please contact Rowing Victoria if you have any question.