RV Active Km's Challenge

Published Fri 10 Sep 2021

Rowing Victoria Active Kilometre Challenge



Rowing Victoria recognises the challenges that all Victorians are facing during these Lockdowns due to COVID-19. We want to help our community to stay connected by challenging our members, clubs and schools to stay active!

Physical activity is vital for our mental health and wellbeing, which is why this challenge will be aiming to build connection and reduce feelings of isolation for all Victorians by staying active. The Rowing Victoria Active Kilometre Challenge will be tracking the total kilometres of each club and school within our community over 4 weeks to find Victoria’s most active Club!

So, connect with your club or school and encourage everyone to stay active and to log their kilometres for the challenge.

Goal: To encourage the Victorian rowing community to stay connected, healthy and active by recording their kilometres of physical activity each day on behalf of their Victorian Club or School.

What is a Virtual Event?

A virtual event is an ergo session, run, walk, cycle, swim, row; however you stay active. Participate in activities in which you can complete in your own time at any (legal) location. Participants track their time over the specified distance using a GPS watch, smartphone or app and then upload their result to the dedicated results portal. The results from all participants are then collated to produce event results.

Who can participate?


People of a range of ages and all abilities can be a part of the virtual events. You just need to register https://www.strava.com/clubs/activekmchallenge  track your activity during the activity window and upload your result.

START: 6am Monday 13th September, 2021
FINISH: 6pm Sunday 10th October, 2021

Individuals submit their scores for the challenge via the Rowing Victoria Strava group participating in ANY exercise they wish:


What are the Rules?

Participants enter at their own risk and agree to participate as safely as possible.

The most important rule in the current environment is to ensure compliance with the COVID-19 social distancing laws and regulations. Please ensure you adhere to the ongoing health advice, restrictions, and laws relevant to your Local Government Area. For those getting out and about, adherence to traffic rules and other laws is vital.

  • Participants can participate as much or as little as they would like.
  • Join https://www.strava.com/clubs/activekmchallenge which will automatically clock your kilometres for you.
  • Rowing Victoria will regularly update the leader board and a link will be provided on this event page and communicated via the RV social channels via #vicrowingtogether.
  • Sessions must be recorded using a smart phone fitness app or fitness watch. Apps like Strava can be downloaded for free.
  • Keep a screen shot of each session completed to provide verification if needed.
  • We would like to encourage all members at your club or school to engage in the program. We will divide total kms from each school or clubs registered on the RV Strava group by the total kilometres to determine the winning club or school. Place your Club or School Name at the Start of your name on Strava to indicate which club you are with.  

Prizes; with thanks to Rowhaus:

  • As part of the challenge Rowhaus will offer participants one free session to try a Rowhaus online indoor rowing training session.
  • Prizes will be awarded to an individual each week including a week (four sessions) of online indoor rowing training thanks to Rowhaus.
  • Prizes will be awarded to the club and school that achieves the most kilometres at the end of the Challenge. With the Rowhaus coach of your choosing providing your club or school one session.
  • A prize will be awarded to the individual that completes the most kilometres with a free one on one session with a Coach of their choice from Rowhaus along with a yearly membership subscription. 


How to get involved?

Register on Rowing Victoria Strava’s group via https://www.strava.com/clubs/activekmchallenge

We encourage you all to connect, share, engage in some light-hearted banter and friendly competition, including interclub rivalry but keep it clean, respectful, and fun. If you’re on social media, post your photos and results using the hashtag #vicrowingtogether.

Each week we will provide a training program from our State Team Head Coach Noel Donaldson.

Rowhaus coaches will provide weekly videos of encouragement with special mentions to people that have completed notable activities.

What does it cost?

Entry to all events is free for everyone, so tell your friends and family and get involved.

How does it work and how do I take part?

Participants simply sign up to be a part of the group, complete your activity during the specified time and upload your results.

How do I upload my result and what evidence do I need to provide?

Entrants will need to upload their results via the dedicated link during the event window. This will need to be accompanied with some form of “proof” which could include a publicly accessible link to your activity on Strava or other platforms, an image from your GPS watch, phone or app. The honour system will apply to all entries.

How do I join Strava, and what does it cost?

Visit Strava and sign up for free if you don’t already have an account. Once on Strava, join the  https://www.strava.com/clubs/activekmchallenge You can also download the Strava app to track you activity or connect your GPS watch or phone data.

Please note that Strava is a third-party platform that is not affiliated with Rowing Vitoria Still, we encourage you to use this platform to connect and share with the community.

What if I’m not fast or can’t log too many Ks?

This Challenge is all about community and having a go. More than 90% of the Victorian population participate in physical activity of some type. Sure, we have some fit and fast people, but it’s all about getting involved, going at your own pace, challenging yourself and most importantly, having fun!

Any questions on how to connect and engage in the Active Kilometre Challenge please contact jen@rowingvictoria.asn.au

